“I thought I was headed to a place that would turn out tomorrow's leaders, not their wives!” - but a leader’s wife is really not any easier than the leader him/herself (we all know what makes a leader and those qualities aren’t any easy to live a life with). // “I know exactly what I'm doing and it doesn't make me any less smart.” The married Joan
Bill Nighy太牛了呜呜呜 真的是很平凡但是很感人的故事移植到战后伦敦居然没有什么不适三年级数学应用题100道最后突然的转折和插叙也很抓人老电影式的OP很喜欢龅牙妹我也很可爱很喜欢Bill Nighy太牛了呜呜呜(又来